Add Reverb To Audio

Apr 16, 2019  Reverb is a common effect for vocals, but can often cause masking issues. In this article, we discuss how to add vocal reverb while maintaining vocal clarity. Edit the clip you want to add reverb into the Timeline. Move it to a different track to separate it from other clips. Then, add a 3-5 second audio slug.

Audition- Adding Reverb to soften sound

This tutorial will be for adding Reverb to an audio track in Adobe Audition. This effect is great for reducing the punchiness of an audio track. It is a great tool for blending audio tracks/putting them into the background of the mix instead of the forefront.

1) Step One, load the audio track into audition

2) On the left hand side you’ll see the folder view for Effects Rack. Click on this.

Add reverb to audio app

3) You will now be prompted with the Surround Reverb Effect. Fallout 3 mods download. Here you can adjust the various settings of balance/gain/wet/dry.

4)I recommend lowering the wet/dry mix to around 12. Wet is the amount of effect in the mix, and dry is the lack of effect. The higher the fader on this option the more ‘wet’ or present the reverb effect will be.