Crusader Kings 2 Hotkeys

Console commands are instructions to the game that players can use to cheat, experiment, or work around bugs.

Basics House Crusader Kings 2 Guide. Post Comment. Next House Succession Prev Basics Problem? Family is all, not only in the Italian mafia, but also in the Crusader Kings II. During the game you control representatives of the House. It's not hard to find out that caring about family's future is a absolutely base of a success.

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Opening the console[edit]

Keep in mind that the console is not accessible in Ironman!

There is no doubt that TBS series tuner cards would be a great compliance with many software to watch satellite tv on PC, such as DVBDream, ProgDVB, AltDVB, Skynet, Skygrabber,TSreader. At the button you should put or edit TP and put PID (you can use general pid 8192 or use the specific pid for the TP).Step 2:Run Skynet1. Prog tv iptv player. You can see downloading data in Skynet window.2 Complete files will be saved in OK folder, incomplete files in incomplete folder and temporary files in temp folder.are all compatible with their own streamreaders, which are aslo fully compatible with the new skynet.

If you don't use Ironman for your current game, you can open the console by typing any of the following:

  • ` grave accent or backtick
    • On US keyboards, located to the left of 1
    • on Linux/US international layouts , this is Alt Gr + `
  • § section sign
    • On German/Nordic keyboards, this is ⇧Shift + 3 This may also be for some like myself be the combo of left shift and the § key to the left of the number 1 on the number row.
    • On Spanish and Italian keyboards, this is is Alt + 2 + 1
    • On Portuguese keyboards, this is Alt Gr + 4
    • On French keyboards, this is ⇧Shift + !
    • On Windows, Alt + NumPad 2 + NumPad 1 enters a §.
    • On macOS (US), ⌥Option + 6 enters a §.

List of commands[edit]

Below is a list of commands and any parameter they accept (in order, if more than one) with a description of what the command will do.

  • For 'Character' scope, if none is given then it will default to the player (some commands excepted, such as age). Most targeted commands accept character ids as the optional 2nd parameter, notable exceptions are religion/culture which if the character id is added it must be the first parameter ('religion orthodox' or 'religion 555 orthodox'). If no parameters are listed then assume that it has a single optional character id parameter.
  • For 'None' scope there is only one way to use it, for 'Global' scope it will toggle things globally, example: marry_anyone allows ALL characters to marry anyone.
  • Character attributes (diplomacy, intrigue, etc.) normally range from 0-20. However, as the attributes are stored in signed bytes, it ranges from -128 to 127. Correspondingly, the maximum base value a character can achieve is 127. Nonetheless, upon loading a savegame, the base value will be reduced to 100 - if it was above this value.
  • <Character ID> can be found by using the Charinfo function and hovering over the person's name.
  • <Province ID> corresponds to the 'ID' number found in the chart of Counties.
  • Replace spaces in parameter names with underscore (_).
Characteradd_artifact<Artifact Name><Character ID> (OPTIONAL)Adds an artifact to the given character
Characterget_all_artifacts<Character ID> (OPTIONAL)Give all artifacts to target character, or the player's character if no target is specified
Characterdestroy_artifact<Artifact Name><Character ID> (OPTIONAL)Removes an artifact from the given character, destroying it
Characteradd_diplomacy<Character ID><Delta>Modifies the base of a character's diplomacy attribute
Characteradd_intrigue<Character ID><Delta>Modifies the base of a character's intrigue attribute
Characteradd_learning<Character ID><Delta>Modifies the base of a character's learning attribute
Characteradd_martial<Character ID><Delta>Modifies the base of a character's martial attribute
Characteradd_stewardship<Character ID><Delta>Modifies the base of a character's stewardship attribute
Characteradd_offmap_currency<Offmap Power><Amount>Gives the player currency with the specified offmap power. For example, to add grace with China: add_offmap_currency offmap_china 5000
Characteradd_trait<Trait Name><Character ID>Adds a trait to the character. Opposites traits are checked. Trait names are all lower case. If no character ID is inputted, the trait will be given to the character you are currently playing instead. The same thing also proves true with the remove_trait command.
Characterremove_trait<Trait Name><Character ID>Removes a trait from the character
Characteradd_modifier<Modifier Name><Character ID>, <Days>Adds a modifier to a character
Characterremove_modifier<Modifier Name><Character ID>Removes a modifier from a character
Characterage<Character ID><Delta>Modifies a character's age
Characterbanish<Character ID> (banished)Banishes a character
Charactercapital<Province ID>Moves player capital to province
Characterclr_moved_capital<Character ID> (OPTIONAL)Clears the moved capital-flag of a character.
Charactercashwealth<Amount> (OPTIONAL)Adds gold to the player (default 5000). Putting a - before the amount will subtract that amount instead.
Characterclaim<Title Name><Character ID> (OPTIONAL)Gives a claim to yourself or another character
Charactercoalition<Character 01 ID><Character 02 ID><Character 01> starts/joins/leaves a coalition against <Character 02>
Charactercouncil_positions<Character ID or Title Name>Shows the ai scores of each council position
Characterclr_focusClears the focus of the player character
Characterculture<Character ID> (OPTIONAL)<Culture>Sets a character's culture
Characterdecadence<Delta>Modifies the Decadence of the player's Dynasty relative to unmodified decadence
Characterdecision<Decision ID><Character ID>Executes a decision
CharacterdieDie a natural death
Characterenforce_peace<Amount>Triggers the enforce peace mechanic in the player's realm. Council must be empowered, other requirements are waived. <Amount> seems to be ignored, confirmation needed.
Characterliege_enforce_peace<Amount>Triggers the enforce peace mechanic in the player's liege's realm. Council must be empowered, other requirements are waived. <Amount> seems to be ignored, confirmation needed.
Characterenable_ambition<Character ID>Allows a character to pick a new ambition
Characterevent<Event ID><Character ID> or <Province ID>Executes an event for yourself or for another character or province
Debugtestevent<Event ID><Character ID> or <Province ID>Tests an event without triggering it
Characterfavor_get<Character ID>Get a favor from character
Characterfavor_grant<Character ID>Grant a favor to a character
Charactergfx_culture<Character ID> (OPTIONAL)<Culture>Sets a character's gfx culture based on default graphical_culture of a culture
Charactergive_birth<Character ID>Forces a pregnant character to instantly give birth
Charactergive_title<Title Name><Character ID>Gives a title to a character
Characterinfamy<Delta>Modifies the player character's threat
Characterimprison<Character ID>(jailed)<Character ID>(jailor)Imprisons a character by another character
Characterjoin_society<Society Key>Join a society. Valid society names are: monastic_order_benedictine, monastic_order_dominican, monastic_order_orthodox, monastic_order_nestorian, monastic_order_monophysite, monastic_order_hindu, monastic_order_buddhist, monastic_order_jain, hermetics, the_assassins, the_satanists, the_trollcrafters, the_cult_of_kali, the_cold_ones, the_plaguebringers, and secret_religious_society_<religion>
Characterleave_society<Society Key> (OPTIONAL)Leave a society
Characterlog_missing_adjectivesLogs any title that has no adjective loc key defined (E.G., if the title 'k_title' is defined, but no loc 'k_title_adj' is defined)
Characterkill<Character ID>Kills a character
Characterkill_yourself<Character ID>Kills your character. Does not work ('Not today QA!'). Use die instead.
Charactermove<Character ID>(Mover)<Character ID>(Move To)Moves a character to a character's court
Characterneg_opinion<Character ID>(Hater)<Character ID>(Hated)Adds a negative opinion between two characters
Characternickname<Nickname><Character ID>Gives a character or the player a nickname
Characterpiety<Amount> (OPTIONAL)Adds piety to the player (default 5000)
Characterplay<Character ID>Switches to play a character (WARNING: This deletes and resets the chronicle of your current character each time you switch.)
Characterprestige<Amount> (OPTIONAL)Adds prestige to the player (default 5000)
Characterrun<file name>Executes script commands from a text file. The file must be in the Documents/Paradox Interactive/Crusader Kings 2/ folder (as appropriate for your OS). Commands will be executed in the scope of the player's character.
Characterscore<Amount> (OPTIONAL)Adds score to the player (default 5000)
CharactertechpointsAdds 1000 technology points of each type to the player
Charactermax_tech<Province ID> (OPTIONAL)Maxes out tech in all provinces, or in specified province
Characterrecalc_succ<Character ID>Recalculate the succession for a character or the player
Characterreligion<Character ID> (OPTIONAL)<Religion>Sets a character's religion or player if character not supplied
Charactersecret_religion<Character ID> (OPTIONAL)<Religion>Sets a character's secret religion.
Characterset_government<Government Tag><Character ID> (OPTIONAL)Changes government to specified type (accepted inputs are merchant_republic_government, nomadic_government, feudal_government, theocracy_government, tribal_government, republic_government, muslim_government, theocratic_feudal_government, chinese_imperial_government, confucian_bureaucracy, order_government, roman_imperial_government)
Charactertitleowner<Title Name><Character ID> (OPTIONAL)Reports or sets the holder of a title. Does not include tribal capital holdings.
Charactervalidate_government<Character ID> (OPTIONAL)Validates government of a character
Charactervalidate_laws<Character ID>Validates the laws of a characters primary holding
Charactervalidate_lieges<Title Name>Validates the liege of a title
Characterset_char_flag<Flag><Character ID>(OPTIONAL)Sets a flag for a character
Characterclr_char_flag<Flag><Character ID>(OPTIONAL)Clears a flag from a character
Characterset_society_grandmaster<Character ID> (OPTIONAL)Sets the grandmaster of the society you're in to the given character
Charactershow_all_societiesShows all societies in list of society view
Charactersociety_rank_up<Amount> (OPTIONAL)Ranks player up in society (default 1)
Charactersociety_rank_down<Amount> (OPTIONAL)Ranks player down in society (default 1)
Charactersociety_currency<Amount> (OPTIONAL)Adds society currency to the player (default 5000)
CharacterquickbuildPlayer's constructions are finished immediately
Characterusurp<Title Name><Character ID>Sets a title to be usurped by a character; if title currently does not exist, creates the title instead.
Globalactivate_artifactsAll artifacts are always active regardless of activation triggers. Disabled as of at least 3.2.1.
Globalallow_lawsToggles the ability to change laws freely
Globalreal_fathersShows the true fathers in the family tree
Globalcharinfodebug_mode<Character ID>
  • Adds debugging information to character, title and event tooltips
  • Reveals your spouse's other lovers
Globalde_jure_countiesShows de jure counties map mode
Globaldiscover_plotsToggles auto plot discovery
Globalfow<Province ID> (OPTIONAL)Turns off fog of war in a province or in general
Globalgame_speed<Speed>Sets the game speed, from 0 to 4
Globalgame_paused<true/false> (OPTIONAL)Toggles/sets the game paused state, argument must be lowercase
Globalget_offmap_holder<Offmap Power>Displays the name and character id of the current holder of an offmap power
Globalset_offmap_status<Offmap Power><Status>Sets the status of the specified offmap power (e.g. china_stable, china_unrest..)
Globalset_offmap_policy<Offmap Power><Policy>Sets the policy of the specified offmap power (e.g. china_open, china_isolationist, china_expansionist)
Globalkill_offmap_ruler<Offmap Power>Kills the ruler specified offmap power
Globalkill_offmap_dynasty<Offmap Power>Kills the ruler specified offmap power, and generates a new one of a different dynasty
Globalmanpower<Amount> (OPTIONAL)Adds nomadic manpower to a nomad player character (default 5000)
Globalpopulation<Amount> (OPTIONAL)Adds nomadic population to a nomad player character (default 5000)
Globalmarry_anyoneToggles the ability to marry anyone
Globalmorehumanshumans<Amount>Adds more humans
Globalneg_diploToggles the ability to send diplomatic messages that will be refused
GlobalnextsongChanges the currently playing soundtrack
GloballistsongsShows all available songs
Globaloutbreak<Disease>Starts specified disease outbreak in a random province. Black Death may only start in Kundina and Jiuquan
Globalplots_knownToggles all plots to always be known
Globalrecalc_councilWill recalc the council positions of each council member
Globalreload_succession_votingReloads succession voting patterns
Globalset_flag<Flag>Sets a global flag
Globalclr_flag<Flag>Clears a global flag
Globalset_prov_flag<Flag><Province ID>Sets a flag for a province
Globalclr_prov_flag<Flag><Province ID>Clears a flag from a province
Globalvalidate_cultural_namesValidates cultural title names
Globalspawn_disease<Disease><Province ID>Spawn specified disease in chosen province. Black Death will start in either Kundina or Jiuquan
Nonecharacter_statsDisplays various game statistics, such as number of characters, plots, and fertility.
Nonedynasty_statsDisplays various dynasty statistics, including the number of unique dynasties and how many historical dynasties have died off.
Nonedestroy_settlement<Title Name>Destroys a holding. Takes a barony title (b_<name>) or destroys the capital of a county title (c_<name>)
Nonemurder<Character ID>(Murderer)<Character ID>(Victim)One character attempts to murder another. Takes two more optional arguments: [<Auto success>( 1/0 )] [<Auto discover>( 1/0 )]
Nonepollinate<Character ID>(Mother)<Character ID>(Father)Impregnates a character by another character
Nonecuckoo<Character ID>(Mother)<Character ID>(Father)Impregnates a character by another character, father unknown
Nonerevolt<Province ID>Starts a Revolt in a province
Nonesucc<Succession Type>Changes the succession type (WARNING: Dangerous). Valid values: gavelkind, elective_gavelkind, tanistry, seniority, primogeniture, feudal_elective, ultimogeniture, turkish_succession, papal_succession, appointment, open_elective, catholic_bishopric, patrician_elective, nomad_succession, offmap_succession
Noneadd_lover<Character ID><Character ID>Makes a character the lover of another character
Noneadd_friend<Character 01 ID><Character 02 ID> (OPTIONAL)Makes the character your friend
Noneremove_friend<Character 01 ID><Character 02 ID> (OPTIONAL)Removes the character as your friend
Noneadd_rival<Character 01 ID><Character 02 ID> (OPTIONAL)Makes a character your rival
Noneremove_rival<Character 01 ID><Character 02 ID> (OPTIONAL)Removes the character as your rival
Noneflip_mapmodesCycles to the next map mode each day
Noneprovince_religionprov_rel<Province ID><Religion>Sets a province's religion
Nonerun_commands_from_filercff, runcmdff<File Name>Reads a file where each line is executed as a console command
DebugclearClears the console
Debugdebug_ai<Character ID>recalc (OPTIONAL)Displays AI strategy for a character (empty ID to turn off)
Debugdebug_aistrengthPrints some AI Strength data
Debugdebug_assertToggles asserts on/off
Debugdebug_bloomToggles Bloom on/off
Debugdebug_bordersToggles Borders on/off
Debugdebug_crashForce game to crash
Debugdebug_citysprawlToggles Citysprawl on/off
Debugdebug_dumpeventsDump Event data to dump_events.txt
Debugdebug_eventsStart Counting events
Debugdebug_hiresToggles Terrain Hires mode on/off
Debugdebug_infoToggles Debug info
Debugdebug_linesToggles Debuglines
Debugdebug_lockcameraToggles Camera locked on/off
Debugdebug_nameGenerates names for provinces
Debugdebug_noguiToggles GUI on/off
Debugdebug_nomennoman, nomen, nmToggles Nomen
Debugdebug_nomouseToggles mouse scrollwheel on/off
Debugdebug_postfxToggles PostFX on/off
Debugdebug_riversToggles Rivers on/off
Debugdebug_skyToggles Sky on/off
Debugdebug_smoothToggle framesmoothing
Debugdebug_terrainToggles Terrain on/off
Debugdebug_texturesWrites Texture info to application debug log
Debugdebug_tiToggles Terra Incognita on/off
Debugdebug_tooltipToggles Tooltips on/off
Debugdebug_treesToggles Trees on/off
Debugdebug_triggerassertForce game to throw an assert
Debugdebug_volume<Volume Delta>Modifies music volume
Debugdebug_waterToggles Water on/off
Debugdebug_wireframeToggles forced wireframe on/off
Debugdebug_yesmenyesman, yesmen, ymToggles Yesmen; the AI will accept all diplomatic offers from the user. For example, request invasions from the Pope.
Debugdebug_zoomZooms in the game
DebugeventinfoPrints the number of running events (adds debug info to character status info)
DebugguiboundsguiToggles GUI bounds debug
DebugfullscreenToggles fullscreen
Debughello<Character ID or Title Name>Opens the character screen or title screen
Debughelp<Command Name> (OPTIONAL)Print out all console commands or a specific command description
DebughelplogPrint out all console commands to game.log
DebugnoaiToggles AI
DebugnumcoasPrints the number of used coat of arms
DebugobserveSwitches to observer mode, by playing no character at all, and no longer shows messages or pauses the game. Ctrl+clicking a character takes partial control, pausing only on succession and call-to-arms.
Debugprint_player_eventsPrint all player events to player_events.txt
Debugprint_ai_eventsPrint all ai events to ai_events.txt
Debugprint_global_flagspgfPrint all global flags
Debugprint_global_variablesprint_global_vars, pgvPrint all global variables
Debugprint_holding_numbersPrints the number of holdings defined for each non-wasteland county, sorted by # of holdings. Useful if you want to ensure all counties can support up to 7 slots.
Debugprint_randomlogDumps content of the randomlog to randomlog.log
Debugrefresh_portraitsSets all character portraits to be refreshed asap
Debugreload<File Name>Reloads the gui or lua file
DebugreloadeventsReloads the event database
Debugreloadfxmap/mapname/postfx or *.fx filenameReloads the shader
DebugreloadgovernmentflavorReloads the government flavor
DebugreloadinterfaceReloads the entire interface
DebugreloadlocReloads the localisation
DebugreloadpositionsReloads the council position database
Debugreloadtexture<Texture File Name>Reloads the specified texture
Debugsave_without_ironman<Save Name>Saves the current game without Ironman
Debugspawnactor<Actorname><Animation> (OPTIONAL)<Title Name> OPTIONAL Spawns an actor with an optional animation and tabard title
DebugtimerPrints out debug timing info
Debugtimer_startStarts debug timing
Debugtimer_restartRestarts (resets and starts) debug timing
Debugtimer_resetResets debug timing
Debugtimer_stopStops debug timing
Debugtimer_dumpDumps debug timing info
DebugctPuts timer info in clipboard
DebugversionPrint out current version of the game
Debugwindowwnd<open/close><window name>Opens or closes the specified window
Debugwipe_achievementsWipe out all CK2 Steam achievements. WARNING: CANNOT BE UNDONE!


  • Character ID: Found using the 'charinfo' command. It is listed on with the usual mouse-over stats.
  • Province ID: See provinces
  • Title Name: For instance e_britannia. It is usually a predictable name with Empires starting with 'e', Kingdoms with 'k', Duchies with 'd', Counties with 'c', and baronies/bishoprics/cities/patrician house with 'b'. Some exceptions exist, such as Rome is c_roma, the Holy Roman Empire is e_hre, the duchy of the isles is d_western_isles, the county of Leon in Brittany is c_french_leon, and the bishopric of Tyddewi in Dyfed is b_st_davids. Refer to common/landed_titles/landed_titles.txt if you get stuck. Hovering over a title's flag shows you the name of the title, as long as you have charinfo active.
  • Nickname: See nicknames, format is nick_the_xxx
  • Trait Name: See traits
  • Settlement Name: The in-game name for the holding in question, as specified by landed_titles.txt. For example b_paris. Titles with cultural names can be hard to guess. Search for those by county name if you get lost.
  • Disease Name: One of the epidemic diseases
Characters • Dynasties • Provinces • Titles • Bookmarks
Commands • Conditions • Scopes • Modifiers • Events • Decisions
Defines • Game rules • Alternate starts • Religion • Culture • Governments • Traits • Bloodlines • Technology • Laws • Buildings • Casus Belli • Tributaries • Units • Objectives • Disease • Death • Minor titles • Societies • Artifacts • Offmap power • Councillors • Trade routes • Succession • Great works • Nicknames
Map • Graphics • Coats of arms • Portraits • Interface • Minimap • Music • Localisation
Troubleshooting • The Validator • Console commands • Save-game editing • Steam Workshop • EU4 Converter
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